This function creates a report about a camera trapping survey and species records. It uses a camera trap station information table and a record table (generated with recordTable) as input. Output tables can be saved and a zip file for simple data sharing can be created easily.

  speciesCol = "Species",
  stationCol = "Station",
  CTDateFormat = "ymd",
  CTHasProblems = "deprecated",
  recordDateTimeCol = "DateTimeOriginal",
  recordDateTimeFormat = "ymd HMS",



data.frame containing a species record table as given by recordTable


data.frame containing information about location and trapping period of camera trap stations (equivalent to camtraps


camera operation matrix created with cameraOperation


character. name of the column specifying Species ID in recordTable


character. name of the column specifying Station ID in CTtable and recordTable


character. name of the column specifying Camera ID in CTtable and recordTable


character. name of the column containing camera setup dates in CTtable


character. name of the column containing camera retrieval dates in CTtable


character. The format of columns setupCol and retrievalCol (and potential problem columns) in CTtable. Must be interpretable by either as.Date or the "orders" argument parse_date_time in lubridate.


deprecated (since version 2.1)


character. The name of the column containing date and time of records in recordTable


character. The date/time format of column recordDateTimeCol in recordTable.


character. name of the column specifying x coordinates in CTtable. Used to create detection maps if makezip is TRUE. (optional)


character. name of the column specifying y coordinates in CTtable. Used to create detection maps if makezip is TRUE. (optional)


character. The directory into which the survey report is saved (optional)


logical. Create a zip file containing tables, plots and maps in sinkpath?


An invisible list containing 5 data.frames.


station and image date ranges, number of total and active trap days (calendar days and taking into account independent effort of multiple cameras, if applicable), number of cameras per station


species numbers by station


number of events and stations by species


number of events for every species by station (only species that were recorded)


number of events for all species at all stations (including species that were not recorded)

The output will be saved to a .txt file if sinkpath is defined.

If makezip is TRUE, a zip file will be created in sinkpath. It contains single-species activity plots, detection maps (if Xcol and Ycol are defined), the survey report tables, the record table and the camera trap station table, and an example R script.


dateFormat defaults to "YYYY-MM-DD", e.g. "2014-10-31". It can be specified either in the format required by strptime or the 'orders' argument in parse_date_time in lubridate. In the example above, "YYYY-MM-DD" would be specified as "%Y-%m-%d" or "ymd".

recordDateTimeFormat defaults to the "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" convention, e.g. "2014-09-30 22:59:59". recordDateTimeFormat can be interpreted either by base-R via strptime or in lubridate via parse_date_time (argument "orders"). lubridate will be used if there are no "%" characters in recordDateTimeFormat.

For "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", recordDateTimeFormat would be either "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" or "ymd HMS". For details on how to specify date and time formats in R see strptime or parse_date_time.

Note: as of version 2.1, argument CTHasProblems is deprecated and defunct. Please use camOp instead to provide information about periods of camera activity and malfunction. If camOp is not provided the legacy version of surveyReport (from camtrapR 2.0.3) will be run with a warning.

See also


Juergen Niedballa



# since version 2.1, camera operation matrix is required as input

camop_no_problem <- cameraOperation(CTtable      = camtraps,
                                    stationCol   = "Station",
                                    setupCol     = "Setup_date",
                                    retrievalCol = "Retrieval_date",
                                    writecsv     = FALSE,
                                    hasProblems  = FALSE,
                                    dateFormat   = "dmy"

reportTest <- surveyReport (recordTable          = recordTableSample,
                            CTtable              = camtraps,
                            camOp                = camop_no_problem,
                            speciesCol           = "Species",
                            stationCol           = "Station",
                            setupCol             = "Setup_date",
                            retrievalCol         = "Retrieval_date",
                            CTDateFormat         = "dmy", 
                            recordDateTimeCol    = "DateTimeOriginal",
                            recordDateTimeFormat = "ymd HMS")
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "Total number of stations:  3"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "Number of operational stations:  3"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "Trap nights (number of active 24 hour cycles completed by independent cameras):  128"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "n nights with cameras set up and active (trap nights - LECAGY CALCULATION - WHOLE DAYS):  123"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "n nights with cameras set up (LECAGY CALCULATION - WHOLE DAYS):  128"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "Calendar days with cameras set up (operational or not):  131"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "Calendar days with cameras set up and active:  131"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "Calendar days with cameras set up but inactive:  0"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "total trapping period:  2009-04-02 - 2009-05-17"

class(reportTest)  # a list with
#> [1] "list"
length(reportTest) # 5 elements
#> [1] 5

reportTest[[1]]    # camera trap operation times and image date ranges
#>    Station      setup  retrieval image_first image_last n_cameras
#> 1 StationA 2009-04-02 2009-05-14  2009-04-10 2009-05-07         1
#> 2 StationB 2009-04-03 2009-05-16  2009-04-05 2009-05-14         1
#> 3 StationC 2009-04-04 2009-05-17  2009-04-06 2009-05-12         1
#>   n_calendar_days_total n_calendar_days_active n_calendar_days_inactive
#> 1                    43                     43                        0
#> 2                    44                     44                        0
#> 3                    44                     44                        0
#>   n_trap_nights_active n_nights_active_legacy n_nights_total_legacy
#> 1                   42                     42                    42
#> 2                   43                     43                    43
#> 3                   43                     38                    43
reportTest[[2]]    # number of species by station
#>    Station n_species
#> 1 StationA         2
#> 2 StationB         3
#> 3 StationC         4
reportTest[[3]]    # number of events and number of stations by species
#>   species n_events n_stations
#> 1     EGY        6          1
#> 2     MNE        2          1
#> 3     PBE       18          3
#> 4     TRA        8          1
#> 5     VTA        5          3
reportTest[[4]]    # number of species events by station
#>    Station Species n_events
#> 1 StationA     PBE        4
#> 2 StationA     VTA        2
#> 3 StationB     MNE        2
#> 4 StationB     PBE        8
#> 5 StationB     VTA        2
#> 6 StationC     EGY        6
#> 7 StationC     PBE        6
#> 8 StationC     TRA        8
#> 9 StationC     VTA        1
reportTest[[5]]    # number of species events by station including 0s (non-observed species)
#>     Station Species n_events
#> 1  StationA     EGY        0
#> 2  StationA     MNE        0
#> 3  StationA     PBE        4
#> 4  StationA     TRA        0
#> 5  StationA     VTA        2
#> 6  StationB     EGY        0
#> 7  StationB     MNE        2
#> 8  StationB     PBE        8
#> 9  StationB     TRA        0
#> 10 StationB     VTA        2
#> 11 StationC     EGY        6
#> 12 StationC     MNE        0
#> 13 StationC     PBE        6
#> 14 StationC     TRA        8
#> 15 StationC     VTA        1

# with camera problems

camop_problem <- cameraOperation(CTtable      = camtraps,
                                 stationCol   = "Station",
                                 setupCol     = "Setup_date",
                                 retrievalCol = "Retrieval_date",
                                 writecsv     = FALSE,
                                 hasProblems  = TRUE,
                                 dateFormat   = "dmy"

reportTest_problem <- surveyReport (recordTable          = recordTableSample,
                                    CTtable              = camtraps,
                                    camOp                = camop_problem,
                                    speciesCol           = "Species",
                                    stationCol           = "Station",
                                    setupCol             = "Setup_date",
                                    retrievalCol         = "Retrieval_date",
                                    CTDateFormat         = "dmy", 
                                    recordDateTimeCol    = "DateTimeOriginal",
                                    recordDateTimeFormat = "ymd HMS")
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "Total number of stations:  3"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "Number of operational stations:  3"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "Trap nights (number of active 24 hour cycles completed by independent cameras):  122.5"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "n nights with cameras set up and active (trap nights - LECAGY CALCULATION - WHOLE DAYS):  123"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "n nights with cameras set up (LECAGY CALCULATION - WHOLE DAYS):  128"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "Calendar days with cameras set up (operational or not):  131"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "Calendar days with cameras set up and active:  125"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "Calendar days with cameras set up but inactive:  6"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "total trapping period:  2009-04-02 - 2009-05-17"

#>    Station      setup  retrieval image_first image_last n_cameras
#> 1 StationA 2009-04-02 2009-05-14  2009-04-10 2009-05-07         1
#> 2 StationB 2009-04-03 2009-05-16  2009-04-05 2009-05-14         1
#> 3 StationC 2009-04-04 2009-05-17  2009-04-06 2009-05-12         1
#>   n_calendar_days_total n_calendar_days_active n_calendar_days_inactive
#> 1                    43                     43                        0
#> 2                    44                     44                        0
#> 3                    44                     38                        6
#>   n_trap_nights_active n_nights_active_legacy n_nights_total_legacy
#> 1                 42.0                     42                    42
#> 2                 43.0                     43                    43
#> 3                 37.5                     38                    43

## if camOp is missing, the legacy version (from 2.0.3) will be used:

reportTest_problem_old <- surveyReport (recordTable          = recordTableSample,
                                        CTtable              = camtraps,
                                       # camOp                = camop_problem,
                                        speciesCol           = "Species",
                                        stationCol           = "Station",
                                        setupCol             = "Setup_date",
                                        retrievalCol         = "Retrieval_date",
                                        CTDateFormat         = "dmy", 
                                        recordDateTimeCol    = "DateTimeOriginal",
                                        recordDateTimeFormat = "ymd HMS")
#> Warning: Argument 'camOp' is missing (expected since camtrapR 2.1). Will run legacy version of surveyReport (from camtrapR 2.0.3). See:  news(package = 'camtrapR') and ?surveyReport. This warning may be raised to an error in the future, so please adapt your code.
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "Total number of stations:  3"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "Number of operational stations:  3"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "n nights with cameras set up (operational or not. NOTE: only correct if 1 camera per station): 128"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "n nights with cameras set up and active (trap nights. NOTE: only correct if 1 camera per station): 128"
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "total trapping period:  2009-04-02 - 2009-05-17"

if (FALSE) {
# run again with sinkpath defined
reportTest <- surveyReport (recordTable          = recordTableSample,
                            CTtable              = camtraps,
                            camOp                = camop_no_problem,
                            speciesCol           = "Species",
                            stationCol           = "Station",
                            setupCol             = "Setup_date",
                            retrievalCol         = "Retrieval_date",
                            CTDateFormat         = "dmy",, 
                            recordDateTimeCol    = "DateTimeOriginal",
                            recordDateTimeFormat = "ymd HMS",
                            sinkpath             = getwd())

# have a look at the text file
readLines(list.files(getwd(), pattern = paste("survey_report_", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep = ""), 
           full.names = TRUE))