Sample multi-season species record table from camera trap images generated from the sample images in the package with the function recordTable. Season 2009 is the same as recordTableSample, season 2010 was simulated by adding 1 year to these records.



A data frame with 78 rows and 11 variables


The variables are as follows:

StationCamera trap station ID
SpeciesSpecies ID
DateTimeOriginalDate and time as extracted from image
Daterecord date
Timerecord time of day
delta.time.secstime difference to first species record at a station (seconds)
delta.time.minstime difference to first species record at a station (minutes)
delta.time.hourstime difference to first species record at a station (hours)
delta.time.daystime difference to first species record at a station (days)
DirectoryImage directory
FileNameimage filename


# data were created with the following code:

recordTableSample_season2 <- recordTableSample

# substitute 2009 with 2010
recordTableSample_season2$DateTimeOriginal <- gsub("2009", "2010",
# combine with season 2009
recordTableSampleMultiSeason <- rbind(recordTableSample, recordTableSample_season2)