Sample single-species multi-season record table with individual IDs from the tagged sample images in the package. Generated with function recordTableIndividual, then duplicated to simulate a second year.



A data frame with 31 rows and 17 variables


The variables are as follows:

StationCamera trap station ID
SpeciesSpecies ID
IndividualIndividual ID
DateTimeOriginalDate and time as extracted from image
Daterecord date
Timerecord time of day
delta.time.secstime difference to first species record at a station (seconds)
delta.time.minstime difference to first species record at a station (minutes)
delta.time.hourstime difference to first species record at a station (hours)
delta.time.daystime difference to first species record at a station (days)
DirectoryImage directory
FileNameimage filename
HierarchicalSubjectcontent of the HierarchicalSubject image metadata tag
Modelcamera model extracted from image metadata
Makecamera make extracted from image metadata
metadata_Speciescontent of custom image metadata tag "Species" (see HierarchicalSubject)
metadata_individualcontent of custom image metadata tag "individual" (see HierarchicalSubject)


# example data were created as follows:

recordTableIndividualSample_season2 <- recordTableIndividualSample[1:10, ]
recordTableIndividualSample_season2$DateTimeOriginal <- gsub("2009", "2010",
recordTableIndividualSampleMultiSeason <- rbind(recordTableIndividualSample,